The main reasons of low output and quality were infected by Dasheen mosaic virus ( DMV ) in Araceae.
芋 花叶病毒 病是造成天星科植物产量下降,品质劣变的主要原因.
互联网Agrobacterium - mediated transformation of pepper B 162 with coat protein gene of cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV - CP ) was studied.
以辣椒品种‘B162’为试材,探讨了通过根癌农杆菌介导法将黄瓜花叶病毒外壳蛋白 ( CMV-CP ) 基因转化辣椒的适宜条件.
互联网Turnip mosaic virus ( TuMV ) is one of the most important pathogens on cruciferae crops.
芜菁 花叶病毒 是十字花科作物上的一种重要病原物.
互联网Preliminary report of field trials on the control of tobacco mosaic virus diseasevirus agents Duxiao etc.
互联网It causes an infection called wheat streak mosaic virus.
互联网Two strains of turnip mosaic virus were identified on rape in Kiangsu.
互联网Cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ) is an important virus to tomato which can cause serious yield lost.
互联网Maize Dwarf Mosaic ( MDM ) disease in China was mainly caused by Sugarcane mosaic virus ( SCMV ).
玉米矮花叶病 ( MDM ) 是世界性病害,在我国主要由甘蔗花叶病毒 ( SCMV) 的MDB株系 (SCMV-MDB ) 引起.
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